Effective Measures in Recycling Wastes at School

Recycling is a great way to minimize the amount of wastes produced in schools. When students and school staff work together to make it happen, the school becomes greener, more sustainable, and it can even save on certain costs. Furthermore, when young learners are educated about the importance of recycling, they can carry these habits until they become adults. They can also do the same in their respective households and communities, educating more and more people on their responsibilities to the wastes they generate.

Effective Measures in Recycling Wastes at School

Now what does it take to make a successful recycling program at school? Here are some recommendations from zero carbon schools.

  • Make a plan. Start by creating a team that will lead the initiative. School administrators, faculty, staff, and students must be represented in the implementing team. Schedule brainstorming sessions and regular meetings for matters concerning the project.
  • Know what to recycle. Analyze the types of trash and keep a record of how much is generated in the campus. Identify which waste types can be recycled and how they can be collected.
  • Know how to recycle. Once wastes are identified, find out the best ways to recycle them. Paper wastes, for instance, can be managed in every classroom where there will be a dedicated bin for recyclable paper products. Wastes from the cafeteria can be managed at the area by using separate bins for plastic products and food wastes. There is no better way to manage food wastes than by composting them. Compost makes great organic fertilizers to the school garden.
  • Other types of wastes like metal and discarded electronics should also be thrown in separate bins so they can be handled efficiently.

A recycling program is a good start for a school to increase its image as an environmentally conscious academic institution. With the help of each member of the school community, it is easy to achieve not just recycling goals but also eco-friendliness and sustainability. Just imagine how much positive change it can bring to the environment when every school does it.
